Monday, June 27, 2005

After our crew was being rotated (they work 2 weeks and have 1 week off) and I phoned the office to find out what the plans were for the next day, where I was supposed to go to Kinnacott mine next to Salt Lake City. Bob Johnson (Coordinator and Safety Supervisor) however told me he could not get it set up anymore for me for only one or two days, so I had to take the day off. Altough I really would have liked to spend those days at the biggest man-made excavation on earth (a hole in the mountains of 1.2km deep and 4km wide, see later picures), the mountain bike Mekka of the world lay exactly en route home. The dicision to spend the night in Moab, Utah was quickly made. On the way over there the sandstone cliff landscape became more and more impressive